Sunday, 22 June 2014

Day 2: Saint brieuc to saint michel, via saint Benoit des ondes.

 We were all pretty shattered last night, but elated to completed day one with only a couple of minor crashes and no real damage done. We went for dinner at a strange little place which served us what they described as an "English plate". Basically a 1970s Yorkshire dinner that your nan would make you. Pickles and slices of meat. Each time the boys finished the generously sized bread basket, they would bring us another, and by the end of it they had eaten 3 bread baskets!

We were all tired (god knows what my excuse was) so after a couple of beers and wines we all went to bed, long before the sun had set and while children were still playing. 

I had survived my first ever drive in France, and I must say from what I experienced so far the French drivers were a lot more tolerant than back home.

So this morning, the boys ate their cereal out of sick bags they had managed to take from the ferry. Interesting! And with sore legs and bums they set off on their way. 

Check out Jake's French themed sun burn: 

A quick stretch before setting off. 

Cycle selfie from James:

Lunch on day 2 at saint Benoit des Ondes

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