Monday 23 June 2014

Day 3: to Laval

Yesterday afternoon was lush. The boys cycled on to our next spot - Le Mont Saint Michel. Sorry all my pics were on my posh camera so you'll have to wait. The boys went there on bikes and have taken some selfies, but they're probably all silly ones. You can google it if you want to see what it looks like. It's a pretty castle stuck out in the sea. 

We then found a campsite an had a swim and a couple of beers while I cooked fajitas. Good times. 

Today we are off to Laval. The boys want to smash it all out in the morning and have an afternoon off. Except a few "patisserie stops" as they call them...!

I will try to get the boys to write something, else this isn't really a cycling blog... Just me writing a list of places that we have been. 

At least you know we are all alive...

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